Alan Beattie | 34 | Llantwit Major
I grew up in Cardiff and moved to Llantwit Major with my lovely lady, Rachael in 2009. I'm Dad to Arthur (5) and Step Dad to Annalise (18) and Bethan (16). By day I'm an Engineering Geologist and in my spare time (which there's not a lot of these days) I love to get out on the coast with my camera. I find that being in nature and watching the sunrise or set refreshes the mind and is good for the soul. My number one rule in life is to enjoy the little things.
In 2011 I bought a small compact camera and it went everywhere with me, it was because of this camera that I caught the photography bug. I consumed photo magazine after photo magazine trying to learn as much as possible. That camera lived in my pocket for so long it was a little worse for wear and was held together with tape and elastic bands, it was time to upgrade. Some of my favourite photos were taken with that camera and it still lives in my box of camera stuff.
I then moved onto a bridge camera which gave me a bit more creative control and allowed me to get away from auto mode and get to grips with aperture, shutter and manual modes.
Today I shoot with a Canon 70D and the bog standard 18-55mm kit lens that it came with. I've recently picked up some Lee Filters and enjoy putting them to use for long exposure seascapes. In the future I'm hoping to add wide angle lens and get to grips with shooting the starry sky.
Thanks for reading and if you have any comments, good or bad, or would like to know more please send me a message over on the contacts page.
Thanks again