It's become a little tradition of mine to head out with the camera to try and catch the sunrise on New Years Day. This years outing didn't disappoint, as other years have, and as I left the house the crescent moon and Venus were shining bright. As I was heading out of the house at 7.00am people were still stagger back from their celebrations.
I had decided to head to Fontagary to try and get a long exposure of the steps which lead down to the beach. I'd had the shot in my mind for a while but it seems we have been living under grey skies for ages and with Christmas and work there has been very little spare time. On may way there two foxes dashed across the road and were lucky not to end up under the car. Unfortunately I'd misjudged the tide and when I arrived it was already too far out for the shot I had imagined. Still, I was out and was going to make the most of it. Venus and the moon still looked great and Jupiter made it an astrological trio so I grabbed a wide angle shot before getting a closer shot with the 18-55mm kit lens which is currently my longest.
While I like the images below they are all lacking all little something and I wouldn't class them as 'keepers'. However it was still great to be out in nature with the place to myself and if nothing else it was great to scout out the location for a future visit.
In the first image, if you follow the line from the moon through Venus towards the orange sky and zoom in a long, long way you can also see Jupiter as a faint white speck.
Happy New Year and as always #EnjoyTheLittleThings